Insider Threat Countermeasures

Over 6,000 local nationals enter Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, every day to provide services ranging from food service to water delivery to facility repairs.  These men are accounted for through entry and exit points, badged, screened, searched, biometrically cataloged and tracked, and subject to random checks at any time.  Despite the military’s efforts to keep nefarious troublemakers away from BAF, we are always aware of the potential for “insider threats”.

Insider threats are the people who appear like the good guys, but intend to do damage.  News stories of military and civilian workers and trainers being shot by their own Afghan body guards remind us that anybody can be an insider threat.  So, we don’t let our guard down, and we don’t give people the opportunity to create trouble.

Case in point: bag bans.


Pretty much every building on BAF enforces a bag ban.  No backpacks, laptop totes, laundry duffles, gym bags, shopping bags, purses, fanny packs, briefcases, or packages of any kind are permitted because a bomb, biological weapon, or other implement of mass injury or destruction could be hidden inside.  This rule applies to everybody (military and civilian), not just local nationals, because anybody can be an insider threat.


Bag bans explain why our uniforms have so many roomy cargo pockets, which you just can’t fully appreciate until you’re not allowed to carry any bags, boxes, or packages with you into any building.


Bag bans force you to plan your day carefully.  Shopping at the PX (Post Exchange), then want to stop off at the Green Bean for a smoothie?  No, get your smoothie first or plan to drop off your purchases back at your room (not your office) before you enter the Green Bean.  Bringing your laundry bag to work so you can drop it off on the way to lunch?  Think again: no laundry bags are coming into the office building.  Heading to a meeting with your laptop and a bunch of handouts?  Pile those loose-leaf papers on your naked computer and haul it to the conference room with a bungee cord around the stack because you’re not packing a bag.

It takes a little getting used to, but once you get the hang of it you find it’s really great to get around hands-free.


Passover at Bagram

Many faiths are represented at Bagram Air Field.  The diverse, combined Chaplaincy of the various branches of service and Coalition forces means you will find a celebration for every holiday, including my favorite: Passover.

We are fortunate to have an enthusiastic Rabbi (Captain Heather), a core group of dedicated regulars at Shabbat services each week, and countless boxes of donations from stateside volunteers and sponsors who ensure that we have everything we need to conduct services, eat Kosher, and put on two fantastic Pesach Seders.

Captain Heather gets things started:


Where the mission could spare the troops, the military released Jewish service members from duty and flew them to Bagram from outlying bases and camps to celebrate Passover with our Rabbi.  How awesome is that?

We had quite a crowd — over 30 people the first night:







Bagram Air Field is officially “dry”, but wine is allowed for religious services and holidays.  On Passover we each drink four cups of wine during the Seder, and we had plenty on hand.  No leftovers, though.

Looking for the Afikomen:


The winner claims his prize (amongst other things, Afghani cash and cans of matzo ball soup!):


In addition to all the wonderful edible goodies sent to us by Kosher Troops (a Jewish-oriented offshoot of Operation Gratitude, source of many Love Notes From Strangers), we got packets of hand-written Passover greetings to take with us:








Handwritten notes and pictures (especially from kids) are one of my favorite things to get here, so I thought my packet was an absolute treasure trove!  And check out the awesome artwork on this hand-colored matzah cover I scored:



Thanks to everyone here at Bagram, those who traveled from afar, and those who sent us love, good wishes, and treats from home for making this Passover one I will remember warmly for the rest of my life!

Chag Sameach!


In Case You Weren’t Aware of Our Bad-Assery…

On a military base in Afghanistan, when you don’t carry a gun or wear unit insignia that identifies you as a stone cold killing machine, you have to find some other way to communicate to the world that you are no one to be trifled with.  So, you make up a wicked scary patch:


I can neither confirm nor deny that we Department of Public Works (DPW) employees are trained to kill the enemy using a Number 2 pencil.  That’s classified.

Believe me when I tell you that we can put the hurt on anybody in ways you don’t even want to think about.  Just a few of the areas we control in full or in part: food service; access to non-tactical vehicles, electrical power and water supply; trash removal and wastewater services; housing and office space assignments; placement of defensive T-walls and bunkers; fire and emergency services; entry to and exit from the base; roads and facilities operations and maintenance; service contract oversight.

So, yeah, you probably don’t want to mess with the people who provide your meals, living quarters, and hot showers.  Regardless of whether we’re wearing a patch featuring a black skull with glowing red eyes or just the bone-tired expression of people working 12+ hour days trying to keep this base from falling apart.


Hiking in Portugal, Belonging in Afghanistan

I spent my last week of R&R (Rest & Relaxation leave) in Portugal hiking the coast:











Most of the hiking was by the sea, but there were a few inland excursions:




Oh, and I hiked my boots to death:



They disintegrated nearly simultaneously on the last hiking day.  I’ve had these Lowas for 10 years and many, many happy miles.  Miraculously, the duct tape held until we reached the hotel.

I was hiking with an adventure tour company I’d vacationed with in the past.  We had 14 hikers and three guides who rotated driving (2 drivers/day) and hiking (1 guide/day) duties.  Like with previous tours of this type, the itinerary, activities, scenery, lodging, and food were outstanding.  But unlike with previous tours, we didn’t hike as a group.  It was every man for himself on the trail.  I didn’t care for it.

We had some pretty aggressive speed-hikers mixed with some bird-watchers, flower-peepers, photographers, and other medium- and slower-paced hikers.  To my chagrin, the other hikers quickly formed trail cliques and each went at their own speed, without regard for the day’s schedule, the other hikers, or the ability of the guide to keep tabs on us.  As the day wore on, the guide would have to run increasingly faster and farther up and down the trail to count noses as the distance increased between the speedy and slower hikers.  Every now and then I would start to catch up to a group or a guide, and they’d see me, but they’d often go on down the trail without waiting for me to join them. I made it known to the guides and other hikers that I wanted to hike with a group, but I guess they all figured that some other group would pick me up.  None did.

Alas, I ended up hiking alone most of the time.  I’d never been on a group hike where the participants and guides didn’t try to maintain group cohesion and where the members of the group took little to no interest in contributing to the benefit of anybody outside their own small circle.  I was confused most of the time: my fellow travelers were chatty at breakfast and chummy at dinner and polite but unapologetic as they abandoned me on the trail.  So were we friends or weren’t we?  Strangers on the trail and friends everywhere else?  What was going on?

After repeated episodes of being merrily deserted without so much as a backward glance, I couldn’t shake off the creeping feeling that there was something wrong with me.  Why did the group keep breaking up?  Was my desire to stick together realistic or an artifact from my months in a war zone where we all faithfully kept watch on each other?  Wasn’t it unsafe to not have a buddy system in the wilderness (especially when we were hiking in heavy brush on forking trails with low visibility)?  Did I have warped expectations of what this trip should be?  Was I unlikable or pitiable or not cool enough for these people?

It’s too easy to get sucked into that self-questioning shame spiral when you spend many solitary hours and miles on the trail.  Actively hating on yourself pretty much every waking minute takes a lot of energy.  While it’s a terrible way to treat yourself, the good news is that you really can’t keep up that level of paranoia and self-loathing for very long.  Or at least I can’t.  About three and a half days into this odyssey, I concluded that there wasn’t a damn thing wrong with wanting to hike as a group, and the participants who couldn’t be bothered to help make the trip fun and safe for all were selfish.

I got a lot happier when I stopped trying to make a connection with these people who included me one minute and excluded me the next.  I wasn’t mean or spiteful or angry, I just politely but unapologetically disengaged when it was clear I wasn’t getting a satisfactory return on my friendliness investment.  Instead, I read or worked on my computer or popped in my earbuds and listened to my iPod.  Oddly, people who ditched me every day on the trail gave me dirty looks and showed other indications that they did not approve of my failure to socialize.  Seems it was ok by these folks if I was alone because they abandoned me, but it was not ok for me to be alone on my own terms.  There’s a psychology paper in there somewhere.

Anyway, I finished out the week doing my own thing on the hikes and other activities.  I enjoyed the company for what it was in the moment, without any expectations (of them or myself) for what it might be in the next moment.  To my delight, on the last hike of the last day the guide gave the speed-hikers a GPS and sent them on their way, then led the rest of us on a hike as a group.  It was a treat to have the birders and flower-lovers pointing out and identifying what was flying or blooming along our route, and to be able to ask the guide about local landmarks and history.  When the soles of my hiking boots started to separate, it was a fellow hiker’s duct tape that patched them up.  This is what I’d wanted the whole trip.  It felt good.

But I’m no sucker: these people were not my friends and I knew it.  We smiled and hugged and parted ways, and I came back to Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, happy with my break overall, though with a touch of lingering self-doubt about what I’d expected and experienced during the hiking tour.

That self-doubt was squashed in short order.  When I described how I had spent so much time hiking alone, my coworkers were outraged.  When I explained that I seemed to be the only person on the trip who had a problem with the hiking format, and that perhaps it was too needy of me to expect to be among a group with a guide on this trip, these ideas were immediately dismissed as preposterous.  To a man, they all said the same thing: a group hike means hiking with a group, the leader is responsible for keeping the group together, and the group members are responsible to one another.  And you don’t need gung-ho military leave-no-man-behind training to know that you don’t allow somebody to hike alone on the trail: it’s just common sense.

It was such a huge relief for me to hear this; even though I knew it deep down, I really needed to hear it from some other people.  I would never have guessed in a million years I’d have to leave the “real world” and come back to this wild war zone (the nuttiest place I’ve ever been) for a sanity check.  You could knock me over with a feather.


Recently at lunch I sat down at a table with four men from my office who were just finishing up.  I told them to go on and not wait for me.  They didn’t budge.  They stayed and chatted and when I finished my lunch we all got up and left together.  Did they stay because they’re gung-ho military leave-no-man-behind (even in the dining hall) guys?  No.  They stayed because sometimes you suffer a little bit of inconvenience for the sake of including others. I love these guys, my wingmen.  It was nothing to them but it meant the world to me that they would wait so we could walk back to the office together.  As a group.