Fighting the Fugly, Military Style

A few intrepid souls with time and talent and paint have done their best to bring some beauty to this Fugly base:


Using T-walls as their canvasses and military themes as their inspiration, these artists show us that not every vista on Bagram Air Field is cringe-worthy:



Military heraldry is common and complex, with every symbol and color a source of meaning and pride for each different unit.  These meticulously-painted coats-of-arms often mark the entrances to the various camps and compounds on the installation:




This one should look familiar from when I invited you to Walk to Work With Me in a previous post:


Great artwork is not exclusive to Bagram Air Field: one of my excellent teammates from Combat Airman Skills Training is stationed at one of the outlying FOBs (Forward Operating Bases) and was photographed in front of one of their T-wall murals:









 Hi, Mungo!  Miss you, buddy!  Stay safe!

The military folks aren’t the only ones around here fighting the fugly: in my next post you’ll see some examples of another approach to bringing beauty to this harsh environment.